Peace… words for the soul


April 3, 2023

I actually don’t share a lot of my personal side on social media or really much anywhere. I am a very private person. So it is kinda funny that part of owning your own business is being very social and sharing about yourself.

Since I don’t share much, this is probably an unknown in the business side of my life. I have been dealing with major grief the past 2 1/2 years. They say time heals all wounds but my hole in my heart has taken a very long time to heal and is not finished healing and may never be.

In 2020, I lost my dad.

Not to the pandemic as you might think but his heart gave out. I’m not going into the details here. But the reality is that I lost my cheerleader, my person that is always in my corner, the person that pushed me always beyond my limits to be my best, the man, that from my birth, I believed hung the moon!

In my grief, I could not pray. I could not figure out what to say, what to feel, what to think or even how to function.

There are two ladies who helped me through this journey of healing. And funny thing, they do not know me at all. But their words have provided comfort and peace to my soul.

In the times that I couldn’t pray, they were able to provide words of my heart. Sometimes you just need someone to come alongside of you to say the words you are feeling. To express the thoughts you are thinking.

If you are in these type of moments, if you don’t know how to express your thoughts or know how to pray, allow me to recommend Cleerly Stated and Morgan Harper Nichols.

I started with reading “Be Still” devotional by Cleere Cherry Reaves plus all of her instagram posts on Cleerly Stated. So many days, her words were the exact words that I needed to hear.

Be Still Devotional by Cleere Cherry

Then I found Morgan Harper Nichols and her Storyteller app. I truly love beautiful art. Art can bring peace and refreshment to your soul. She pairs her words with her soul touching art and that made a connection to my soul.

Her app is on my phone. And I save the artwork that speaks to me as the wallpaper on my phone, so I can look at it throughout the day. Her words are all about the journey to peace.

Morgan Harper Nichols Storyteller Co. App

I know they aren’t my saving grace or the giver of peace… that is in Jesus alone.

But sometimes we need human words along the way to give our thoughts, our grief, our souls a voice.

So if your soul is hurting, I know you will be blessed by them!

Here cheering you on!


**Disclaimer: this is not to diagnose or provide any kind of counseling or treatment. Just my recommendation of products. I will not be held liable for anything recommended.


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